Il segreto degli alimenti funzionali che conquistano i consumatori
I consumatori sono sempre più alla ricerca di cibi e bevande che migliorino la salute e il benessere generale. Un maggiore accesso alle informazioni su salute e nutrizione, unito a una crescente attenzione alla salute globale durante la pandemia di Covid-19, sta alimentando la domanda di alimenti funzionali che rispondano a diverse esigenze. Anche i […]
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La rapida crescita delle Clear protein: una rivoluzione nutrizionale.
Non è un segreto che, negli ultimi anni, le Clear Protein stiano ridefinendo il panorama degli integratori alimentari e delle bevande idratanti, diventando una delle categorie nutrizionali in più rapida crescita. Con la domanda in aumento, non sorprende che i grandi marchi stiano investendo nelle Clear Protein. In Europa, il numero di lanci di nuovi […]
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Easter Inspiration: Top trends for 2023
Are you ready to elevate your Easter celebrations this year? Get ready to tantalize your taste buds because we’re bringing you the latest Easter trends in food and drink!
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The FoodNavigator Podcast: Synergy Flavours’ innovations in low/no drinks
How innovation hopes to bring fun, sociability and indulgence to low/no drinks.
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Viva Magenta: flavours inspired by the 2023 Colour of the Year
Flavours inspired by 2023 Colour of the Year
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A Taste of Winter: deliciously cosy food and drink flavours
This festive season is full of innovation, discover out favourite flavours in food and beverages
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Natural Energy Beverages
The energy market continues to evolve, moving away from high sugar and caffeine content to natural, clean labels.
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2022 Food and Drink Trends | Part Two
When Synergy revealed four key trends that would shape the future of food and drink for 2021-2022…
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Plant based consumer insights
Synergy Flavours conducts primary research studies and analysis to better understand the behaviours and preferences of consumer groups, delivering actionable insights to influence product innovation.
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2022 Food and Drink Trends | Part One
In part one of our trend refresh we revisit two of the key trends of 2021-22 and highlight the key consumers driving change in 2022 and beyond.
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2021 food and drink trends: the consumers driving innovation
Download the full 2021 consumer and trends report Staying ahead of the curve has always been the difference between success and failure within the food industry, but in today’s world of social media this is even more prevalent.
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Driving the future of food & drink
We’ve picked out the five top consumer types and trending flavours which are going to drive innovation in the food and beverage sector next year.
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Flavours of the future Mediterranean
Utilising the range of food and drink trend resources at our disposal, our team have created a ‘hot list’ of flavours we expect to trend in sports nutrition.
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2020 Halloween Review
Like all holidays, Halloween comes once a year. A day for children and adults to dress up in spooky costumes, play pranks and enjoy as many sweets and chocolates as they can get their hands on.
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We’re Feeling Nostalgic
Nostalgia trends come around in waves – generally around times of uncertainty. Nostalgia is a trend that has been growing considerably recently in the media, fashion and food.
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Ready, Steady, Gouda
Texture, flavour intensity and premium ingredients are key product attributes on which baked goods can be judged.
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2020 consumer trends: the future of food & drink
As an industry, we are constantly working to anticipate consumer trends, to capitalise on the next big thing. As is the case in fashion, in food and drink, some trends are fleeting, while others evolve, have regular revivals, or become permanent fixtures.
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Christmas 2019 in a Chest-nutshell and 2020 Predictions
As everyone is polishing off the last of the mince pies, we take a look at what was a hit on the shelves this Christmas and the flavours to look out for as we look ahead to Christmas 2020.
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Flavours of the future Americas
As part of our ongoing flavour exploration journey, we wanted to ensure that we uncovered the stars of tomorrow and beyond.
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Why Asia is so exciting – for us and for food flavour innovation
The kitchen of the world Thailand is increasingly becoming known as “the kitchen of the world” and is now the largest food exporter in South East Asia.
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Vibrant violet: purple sweet potato is a hit with consumers
Increasingly, consumers are paying more attention to Instagrammable food and drinks, and are spending more time than ever browsing and uploading images of food…
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What’s in store for the food industry in 2018?
Keeping ahead of the curve in terms of food trends is critical for flavour specialists like Synergy. We help our customers to develop new products or varieties well before a flavour trend might be hitting the mainstream.
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Is black grass jelly Asia’s hottest new trend?
What is black grass jelly? Black grass jelly is one of the hottest new trends coming out of Asia and is beginning to penetrate other markets – particularly the US.
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Giving back to the vanilla growers of Madagascar
Madagascar – the vanilla capital of the world Vanilla. What would we do without it? For a start, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy many of the cakes and biscuits that we do!
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High-protein products take centre stage at this year’s HIE exhibition
Few ingredients in recent years have experienced protein’s sustained and meteoric rise, with Euromonitor forecasting sales to reach £618.4 million in the UK by 2020.
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Missed IFT? Synergy’s trend watch has you covered!
Weren’t able to make it to this year’s IFT? Not to worry, there’s always next year! Plus – we’ve got you covered with some of the key trends and highlights you might have missed – including free cocktails on the Synergy Flavours stand!
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